I would to share something that I learnt from my previous AAplus class organised by Aida Azlin and team. The class was about the final sermon of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. before he left this dunya.
There are a few points highlighted in the final sermon but for this writing, I would like to focus on the reflection behind the one the rukun of Hajj, which is gathering at Arafah.
Wukuff in Arafah is where a pilgrim requires to stay at Arafah even for a while, ie; sleep or "duduk baring". The time of the ibadah starts from zuhr of 9 Zulhijjah until before subh of 10 Zulhijjah. This ibadah is a form of the symbolism of the hereafter whereby it is a rehearsal on the day of judgement, which is during the gathering at "Padang Masyar".
The final sermon of prophet Muhammad S.A.W was delivered on the 9th Zulhijjah on 10AH / 632CE, in the Uranah valley of Mount Arafat, Makkah at the end of Rasulullah S.A.W.'s first and only hajj to Makkah. This happened 1433 years ago.
In the final sermon, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. reminded us to live in this dunya as per the law of Allah and forbid ourselves from things that is against Allahs' will. He mentioned that all of us will be gathered in the hereafter and will be judged by Allah by our deed in this dunya.
If we carefully read his 'compact' reminder, we can feel that he worried about us after he left. He highlighted that there will be no other prophet after him and it is really important to follow the law of Allah in this dunya. His speech reminds us of how our mom always list everything like a to-do list before she plans to us at home. I remembered there was one time whereby my whole family except my younger brother, Izzat went to Terengganu to attend my cousin's wedding. He cannot attend the wedding because he needed to feed our cat. So, my mom prepared a daily to-do list for my brother from the moments he start the day until he sleep. The list was written on a piece of paper with large handwriting and then my mom pasted it on the wall in front of his bedroom's door. Can you imagine the love of my mom for my brother?
The same goes for the prophet Muhammad S.A.W's final sermon as it shows his deep love for us. He truly worried about us and asked for those who present during the sermon to share with people who are absent in that gathering. Those who are absent not only focus on the day during the prophethood but are also assigned to the people in the current generation, which is including ME and the rest of ummah in this era. It gives goosebumps to me.
Another point I would like to raise is about learning in Islam. We are aware that the prophet is truly a teacher. He is a Muallim / teacher. One of a technique uses by a teacher to engage a student with a piece of knowledge is by giving an example. This is what our prophet did. He gave a rehearsal on the day of judgement before the actual day came by. He reminded us, this is how judgement day will look like, we will be gathered together to come back to Allah. The fact that the Arafah day is made as a part of hajj is totally a sign of blessing from Allah. He provides us with a warning as preparation before the hereafter. Allah always has a beautiful way to engage our imagination with reality.
I hope we can be a good example of Prophet Muhammad S.AW. and towards the religion of Allah. The love of Allah is shown to us through the birth of Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. which is truly a great blessing.
- 11.40pm, 20/10/2021, His Final Sermon-
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Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/konevi-6622462/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4682145">Konevi</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=image&utm_content=4682145">Pixabay</a>